Aircraft Arresting Systems
We answer your current and future needs to the highest of standards. Our systems safely arrest fighter aircraft in instances of aborted take-off or emergency landing. The Aircraft Arresting System at the end of the runway is the last resort for a pilot and aircraft in distress.

Energy Absorbers
The core of the Aircraft Arresting System, absorbing the kinetic energy while bringing the aircraft to a safe stop.
Energy Absorbers
Retractable Hook Cable
Keeps the hook cable at optimal arresting position and enables remote retraction of the cable for trouble-free passage when not needed.
Retractable Hook Cable
Net Barrier
Catching device for fighter aircraft without tailhook or as additional redundancy for hook equipped aircraft.
Net Barrier
Mobile Aircraft Arresting System
Self-sufficient system for temporary, rapid and flexible deployment.
Mobile Systems
Spare Parts and Consumables
All parts you need for your operation, service, maintenance, and overhaul.
Spare Parts
Technical Support
Unique expertise and assistance throughout the service life of your installed emergency landing systems.
Technical SupportContact us for your current and future needs!